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I've just about had enough.


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The quality of life in the South is much better than it is in the N.E. It is not only the COL, but the quality of your life.



This is very subjective. Everyone has a different idea of quality of life. There are places in this country where I could not be paid enough to live. Before anyone accuses me of regional bias- there are places in every region I could live and places in every region I can't even be persuaded to go back and visit much less live. I was born in Texas and I would be very unlikely to ever move back though it is a fun place to visit sometimes. My older brother used to live in a city (not in Texas, some other state I won't name) that I would never be able to live- no bookstores, extreme weather, few parks, bad libraries, ugly landscape etc but I know people who live there and love it. Everyone is going to have a different idea of quality of life.

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