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Black eye after oral surgery?


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My oldest daughter had a horrible time with oral surgery this past week. On Monday she went in to have two impacted canines exposed and chained (under anesthesia). They had difficulty with the one on her left side, but overall things went well. Due to her autism and sensory issues, she became agitated after we arrived home and pulled out her sutures (the ones she could feel, there were some that she couldn't get to) and all of the work on her left side. She literally pulled the bracket off of the tooth that hadn't emerged yet. There was significant bleeding.


Since we were so far from our oral surgeon, I had to go in her mouth and clip the chain off of her braces (she had also pulled off a couple of brackets from her front teeth) myself. (I did the clipping under telephone guidance of our oral surgeon since we were worried about her safety.)


Our psychiatrist put her on Ativan to calm her down and we went back to the oral surgeon on Wednesday and they re-did the procedure. This time, it looks like they cut the gums around her palate and exposed the side of that tooth. The roof of her mouth doesn't curve like most people, it's a 'V' shape. The gums on the underside of her top teeth (where the procedure was done) are very, very swollen. They do not look inflamed or infected but are swollen and soft. I think that's where both teeth will be emerging.


This morning, it looked like she had a shadow around her eye. (She was playing with one of her stitches that is coming out and has had some bleeding in her mouth today). By tonight, her left eye was discolored with green and black/brown around it. She's non-verbal so we aren't sure what happened. We've been very careful with her due to all the medicine she's on. I'm fairly certain she hasn't fallen or hurt herself.


Can the black eye be from the surgery? It's on the same side as the problematic dental work. And is it a problem or just a natural part of healing?

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were the teeth on top? things are pretty close together in there. plus, you are leaning back so the dentist can see into the mouth - that tends to make things go "backwards/upwards". when I have dental work on top - I end up with my eye being numb. grrr.

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