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What TOPS books have worked well?


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I am thinking of trying this again now that they are available as downloads. I tried the lentil one several years ago and could make neither heads nor tails out of it. I read IRS regulations for a living, so I have a high tolerance for fine print, but wading through that morass and making all of those copies and such (out of items no one has any more) was just more than I was willing to do. That said, I now have a 9 year old who would do science all day long and a good printer (no copier, though), and I am willing to give it another try.


So are there any your students have enjoyed particularly?



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So far we have done:


Green Thumbs: radishes

Green Thumbs:Corn & Beans

Animal Survival

Math Lab

Lentils-primary, intermediate, and Get a grip


We did do all of the lentils but I did buy the supplies set. Took me a few days to reorganize the information in my mind so that I could set it up but I did get it done. I would set a new unit at a time per week. Once I did the first unit the rest were easy to set up. In the beginning was information overload.

I have a few other Tops books sitting on my shelves but waiting to integrate them into out lessons.

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