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MATH question

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I answered you on the K-8 board, but will copy my answer here, too:


I have only been homeschooling since 6th grade, so have no knowledge about math programs for younger students.


From 6th grade through high school:

For my children, who are strong math students and love math, Art of Problem Solving has been the perfect fit from algebra 1 through calculus (they now also have prealgebra, but that was not out when we needed it). It is a discovery based program for strong and interested math students who are willing to go above and beyond a traditional curriculum. NOT a program for every student, but for the target audience it is fantastic.

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Remember that "great program" varies by child -- personalized recommendations will usually be better, and there are many people who have found out (to their sorrow and expense) that the program which worked brilliantly for child A did not work at all for child B or C.

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Perfect varies a lot based on both the child and the teacher.


At this house the default is Singapore math plus Miquon early on, then AoPS. Beast in now supplementmenting SM for my third child, but she will move faster than Beast Academy is being published. Beast Academy might become the primary math program for my youngest and I'll have to wait and see if it needs to be supplemented. (It would not have to be supplemented with my oldest if he had done it.)


Anytime something gets frustrating I back off and work on a different area of math for awhile. Some kids need more drill in a certain area and might need the "ideal" math program supplemented. Some teachers don't know enough math to be able to teach certain programs.

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