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Our dd will be using it next year for 5th grade but we use CLE LA. We are using Preparing this year and enjoying it, but I think we will really enjoy the painting next year. The facebook group is worth joining as 1 kind mom posts fabulous photo how-to's for the painting.

I have already joined the Facebook groups. ;)

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We used it a few years ago and next year my 3rd child will be using it. The next year I expect my 4th child will use it and I am fully anticipating my son when he hits about 5th or 6th grade will use it as well. It is a good program. I may tweek it a bit next year to include IEW and possibly a foreign language. We do CLE math and I always do my own thing for language arts. I will probably have my daughter take an outside art class too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We are currently using it. It's our best homeschool year so far (first time using HOD as well). It fits my daughter's learning style. We do not do the Bible study because we use our own devotion and she also has Awana. We use Jr. Analytical grammar instead of Rod and Staff which we tried but dd didn't enjoy R&S. We also use Caesar English which is a favorite. Math is CLE and spelling is R&S.

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My 5th grader will be using it next year :) We did Bigger this year, but I'm bumping him up to CtC. I think it will fit his skills much better than Preparing. Can't wait!




How are you using Caeser's English with CtC? How many weeks can you incorporate it? I've always wanted to add in MCT somehow, but haven't been able to yet!

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HOD CtC keep us busy, plus all our outside activities. We do vocabulary at least twice a week. My dd makes flashcards of the root words and we keep on reviewing each time we begin our CE lesson. I am not in a hurry to finish it with all the things we do with HOD because whatever we don't finish, we can carry it over during summer. LOVE Caesar English! I bought the old edition, not the classical one and I am very impressed with it. My daughter is learning.


Twoxcell - where is the fb page for CtC? I tried searching but they only have up to Bigger. Thank you!

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HOD CtC keep us busy, plus all our outside activities. We do vocabulary at least twice a week. My dd makes flashcards of the root words and we keep on reviewing each time we begin our CE lesson. I am not in a hurry to finish it with all the things we do with HOD because whatever we don't finish, we can carry it over during summer. LOVE Caesar English! I bought the old edition, not the classical one and I am very impressed with it. My daughter is learning.


Twoxcell - where is the fb page for CtC? I tried searching but they only have up to Bigger. Thank you!



Are you using Writing with Skill with CTC? Please share about how this fits into your weekly routine and if you are modifying the HOD guide in any way (other than not using R&S English).



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