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Horse people---our first spring trail ride


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Here is a picture of our first spring trail ride..........which looks remarkably similar to those we took of our winter trail rides. In the picture the snow was only 2-4 inches deep but farther down the trails in the woods it was over knee deep on the horses. The sun was out though and it was about 32.

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It was fun and not too cold---I didn't even wear gloves. It is just frustrating as the farrier was coming Tuesday to shoe my horse so we can hit more trails and the gravel roads but we can't shoe him until the snow is gone. Our trail options are much more limited right now as there is still knee deep snow in parts and icy patches in a lot of other places. Last year it was in the 80s here (all record highs) so this is a big change but they promise temps in the 40s next week.

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Our pony has never needed shoes. Our Morab might get front shoes this year but is almost always barefoot with boots for lots of gravel. My old paint though does much better with all 4 shoes. I would love it if he could go barefoot. I can boot all 4s if I really need to but that is a pain---esp. when I am trying to help the girls tack up as well.


The problem is that besides the gravel roads around here (they are gravel, not just dirt roads) we also ride at the "gravel pits"----now a state park but for years it was where they mined gravel so even the trails in the woods have quite a bit of gravel on them.

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