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I'm So Upset Right Now...Am I Overreacting?

Hockey Mom

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Peds and other primary care docs are not always as clued in to spectrum issues as one would hope, especially if symptoms are not smack-you-in-the-face obvious. Your description of your ds contained several typical Aspie issues, not just not understanding he's being teased. If there are any autism groups around, ask them where to take him to get tested. You want a good eval. Knowing will help you get the kinds of information and services that will help him most. One of my ds's has a friend with Aspergers who is doing well in college. He integrated socially into his peer group at our church with the deliberate help of adults. His mom thinks that made all the difference for him.

Thank you. I was trying to figure out a way to ask how does one go about asking (again) without sounding like I'm fishing for a label?

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Not everyone can just absorb social stuff, some need direct instruction. This is no different than anything else. I do wish people would learn to be nicer in general. Also people often say really nasty intentionally hurtful things and then claim they were joking and the victim has no sense of humour.

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This book might be helpful for ideas about specific things to help him with:




For exploring a diagnosis, I would look for a psychology practice that lists this as one of their areas of expertise and offers social skills group sessions.

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