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When did casual become the new formal?


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I don't mind first names...generally....unless the person being addressed is ancient - in their 80s. But what does bug me is when the dentist/doctor/other professionals want to be addressed by a title and then call me by my first name......no way....either we are all formal with each other or not.




I really dislike health care professionals calling people by first name- especially the nurses or techs calling people in from the waiting room. I go by my middle name- always have and always will. It was not a problem until a) health care facilities started calling people by their first names and b ) the same facilities insist that patient records have the patient's full name as it appears on a state ID or drivers license. I used to be able to have my records designated with first initial, middle name but they won't allow that anymore. SO, I suffer with being irritated by having to hear my normally unused first name EVERY.SINGLE.TIME I go to the doctor or hospital.


I don't actually mind a doctor I've been with for some time calling me by the given name I use, even when I continue to call them Dr. So and So. I just don't like it when strangers insist on being too familiar.

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Ha! You all should have lived in Hawaii with Aloha-casual, Aloha-business and Aloha-formal!

Oh, but what fun learning which was which, lol.



Hm, calling people Miss/Mr Firstname is extremely common in military circles, but so is calling adults sir and ma'am. I don't think it shows a lack of respect at all.


But what Crimson Wife said was, "I cannot stand how people show up in jeans and flip-flops to everything, kids call adults by their first names, etc., etc. Show a little respect, people!" Calling people Miss Alice and Mr. Fred is not the same as calling them Alice and Fred.

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