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Parse trees? (grammar)


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OK, this is much more than an alternative to sentence diagramming. This seems to be higher math and science, a tool used by linguists and computer programmers...is somebody watering this down and using it as a English grammar tool for elementary students?


Context Free Grammars, Context-Free Languages, Parse Trees, and Ogden's Lemma

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I've never seen that, but I think diagramming looks easier. That was a lot of writing for a 4-word sentence. What happens when you get a complex sentence?



Most of them have abbreviations for the words (rather than 'noun', 'verbphrase', etc) written out.


I'm not sure how complex sentences would work. I know that more complicated sentences make my head spin with diagramming.



I liked how it retains the order of a sentence so that you can still read it even if you aren't familiar with how it works. But I guess it sounds like it's not really meant for elementary/middle school students?

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I did teach my kids grammar with simple syntax trees. I stayed away from delving into x bar theory too deeply and only lightly touched on wh-movement. I like that you can use syntax trees with any language and that it shows hierarchical relationships between phrases in a way that diagramming can't. I didn't have a textbook, so I can't help there. With an older kid, you could use an intro linguistics textbooks (Language Files would work well) or something like Pinker's "Words and Rules" which is written for a non-academic reader and so is pretty accessible.

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