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I have a 10 year old and I was thinking of doing TWSS/SWI A with him starting this summer. We had been doing WWW, but DS wasn't really enjoying it so we stopped it in favor of trying a writers workshop approach for a while. We have not done WWE at all or any other formal writing program. We have done a couple of Evan Moor books on sentences and paragraph writing and have started a couple of other writing programs. He writes a pretty decent paragraph. Would TWSS/SWI be doable for his age and background? Would he be able to do WWS after SWI A?



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I am doing SWI B with my 9 and 10 year old. It seems to be working well for them and not too difficult. If he can write a decent paragraph I wouldn't worry. Mine still struggle with that at times. Writing is not one of our strengths. But we are getting there.

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There aren't any important skills in SWI A that aren't also taught in SWI B. That is, B doesn't build on A - they are independent of each other. SWI is designed so that you can jump in at any age, just choosing the appropriate level. (The website isn't terribly clear about this. After you do a SWI, you then do the appropriate SICC, instead of the next SWI. After you do one SWI, you don't do any more SWIs.) Without knowing him, I still think B would probably be more appropriate for your DS10's maturity and reading level. Have you looked at the SWI B sample? http://www.excellenc...WI-B Sample.pdf


I think IEW's suggested age ranges for the different levels are a bit off (too high). Since you already own it, I suppose you could always start A with your DS10 and see if he thinks it is too young for him. IEW has a great return policy if you decide to swap out your levels. :)

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From what I read SWI B covers everything SWI A does plus a couple more things. I found a chart that compares them, I had to be logged to see it. A covers units 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, banned words, and dress ups. B covers units 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, banned words, dress-ups, and sentence openers. So essentially B adds in unit 6 (research reports) and the sentence openers. Also the selections for the lessons are supposed to be a bit "older" though having never seen A I cannot tell you if that is true or not.


And yes when you are done with SWI you just move on to a SICC video or your own theme based. I have seen different recommendations for which SICC course to use first depending on the child's age, I would choose based on how well they handled the SWI.

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