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advice on when to begin cursive writing

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I have a five year old dd who loves to write. She has asked to learn cursive. Do you think I should start her in first grade? (I had thought of using New American Cursive per Memoria Press plans). I can not decide if I should let her go ahead and begin or wait until the traditional third grade to start. Have any of you began in 1st grade? If so, are you glad you taught cursive in first or do you wish that you had waited? Have their been any problems that you know of with starting cursive in first?


On other question. My son who is in fourth has learned cursive with the traditional Zaner Blosser font. Do you foresee any problems with dd using different font from ds? I guess the only problem I can think of is that I do not know how to write in NAC font.

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First grade is fine to start cursive, especially if your student is motivated to learn it. Ariel learned cursive in early second grade and hasn't had a problem. Some kids learn cursive before printing, but every person is different. I don't regret starting when we did, and I don't think waiting until she was officially third grade aged would have been beneficial for her because she wanted to learn cursive then, not wait another year or two.


I don't see any problems, over time they'll develop their own styles anyway. I think they have copybooks in the NAC font that you can buy, so you won't have to write in it.

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My first grader, age 6, asked to learn cursive. We took a few weeks to finish the printing HWT she was using then moved to cursive. She loves it, and it is usually much neater than her print. It surprised me how well she can form the letters she has learned so far. Her being interested and asking were big signs that made me feel fine about going ahead and starting.

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