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Newbie here, Can you mix Montessori and Classical Education?

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Hello everyone,


I am just starting out homeschooling. I have a 5yr old and a 20month old. I have been researching for awhile and I really like Montessori and Classical approach to education and I wonder if anyone has mixed these or if its even possible.


My concern is that if we went with just Montessori would there be issues later on transitioning to a more classical approach to subjects. I am not sure how Montessori goes for older kids either. Also, Montessori is a little overwhelming to me because of all the materials needed, whether I DIY or buy them and it is such a different way of learning, even though I like it. I have founds some guides I could use for Montessori so that would help me. And with regard to Classical approach I heard about Classical Conversations, but I am not sure I would do that because one the cost and especially now that I have found The Well Trained Mind site.


That said, if I went with the Well Trained Mind I am completely lost as to what curriculum to use and that is very overwhelming to me. Is there a curriculum guide for TWTM? I feel I really need some sort of guideline to follow being so new to this. My head is spinning. I do plan to get TWTM book from my library.


Any advice or recommended reading would help me a lot.




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I just do what I want ;) LOL.


We do use some Montessori type things. We have the wood place value cards and also a division board on the ipad.


Also the cusienaire rods seem a bit Montessori like as well. We use those for Miquon and Singapore.

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Thanks everyone.


Hmmm, so where would I start if I want to research what to get for doing The Well Trained Mind Classical Way? I saw there was stuff with Peace Hill Press, but is there a guideline of options to chose from for each area of study? I am basically lost. Again, I plan to check out the book from our library this weekend so im sure that will shed some light for me, but it seems like there are so many different options I don't know where to go first.


I thought I was going to go the Montessori way, but now I am not so sure. I dont know if it will work for us in the long term. :-/

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Doing Montessori for the first few years and gliding into Classical is what some schools do. I totally think you can do a Montessori/Living Books type education... pretty much all the way through. Take it easy when they're little.... enjoy lots of exploration... do "work"... model how to do things.... Enjoy!! :)

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Doing Montessori for the first few years and gliding into Classical is what some schools do. I totally think you can do a Montessori/Living Books type education... pretty much all the way through. Take it easy when they're little.... enjoy lots of exploration... do "work"... model how to do things.... Enjoy!! :)

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Thanks everyone.


Hmmm, so where would I start if I want to research what to get for doing The Well Trained Mind Classical Way? I saw there was stuff with Peace Hill Press, but is there a guideline of options to chose from for each area of study? I am basically lost. Again, I plan to check out the book from our library this weekend so im sure that will shed some light for me, but it seems like there are so many different options I don't know where to go first.


I thought I was going to go the Montessori way, but now I am not so sure. I dont know if it will work for us in the long term. :-/


Just wait until you get the book. It's got a lot in there. (Which I don't use. *cough* I'm not very classical, lol.)

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Doing Montessori for the first few years and gliding into Classical is what some schools do. I totally think you can do a Montessori/Living Books type education... pretty much all the way through. Take it easy when they're little.... enjoy lots of exploration... do "work"... model how to do things.... Enjoy!! :)




All the way through, as in like 9-12 age range? And incorporate Classical Education?


Thanks. :-)

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I have made some simple Montessori materials for my dd4. They were free or cheap. Here is a link to what I made:



Now, she won't move into a classical education. Her mental insufficiency will not be conducive to it. With her I do a mix of Montessori and Waldorf.

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I am part of a great Montessori group here: http://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#!/groups/458239510907922?ref=m_notif&notif_t=group_activity&actorid=1024701455&__user=1178148338. It is all about free and inexpensive Montessori ideas.


I would read The Well Trained Mind. We use their history cycle and science cycle.


I also use Charlotte Mason approach a lot. That kind of organizes our life style and day. Throw in Montessori hands on and WTM rotations (we also use WWE and FLL which are LA resources from WTM) And that is our homeschool in a nut shell. :)



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