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Options for grammar?


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I've been homeschooling for a long time. We've pretty much used R&S for younger ages since the beginning. I used to do a lot of the work with my kids but due to more children now, he usually reads the lesson and does the work alone. I allow him to use the workbook instead of the lesson for the book when there is a workbook page that fits.


So my question is: is there a good grammar program out there that doesn't take as long per day as R&S, that is maybe in workbook format that is not spelling, handwriting, grammar? I just want grammar. I'm out of the loop in what is up and coming, so there may be something fantastic out there that I don't know about. Anyone?


We use TOG for history/lit, a combo of Writing Aids and WWE for writing, spelling, handwriting, writing with science, and we will be starting back to Latin in the fall. The grammar part of Latin combined with Grammar itself also winds up making me feel it is repetitive. Sometimes I just feel like, even with skipping the writing portion of R&S, that it is too much when combined with our other subjects!! I'd like something that takes 20-30 minutes per day, depending upon the age. I also want diagramming involved.


This will be for my 4th grader for now and my other younger ones for later.


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I've been homeschooling for a long time. We've pretty much used R&S for younger ages since the beginning. I used to do a lot of the work with my kids but due to more children now, he usually reads the lesson and does the work alone. I allow him to use the workbook instead of the lesson for the book when there is a workbook page that fits.


So my question is: is there a good grammar program out there that doesn't take as long per day as R&S, that is maybe in workbook format that is not spelling, handwriting, grammar? I just want grammar. I'm out of the loop in what is up and coming, so there may be something fantastic out there that I don't know about. Anyone?


We use TOG for history/lit, a combo of Writing Aids and WWE for writing, spelling, handwriting, writing with science, and we will be starting back to Latin in the fall. The grammar part of Latin combined with Grammar itself also winds up making me feel it is repetitive. Sometimes I just feel like, even with skipping the writing portion of R&S, that it is too much when combined with our other subjects!! I'd like something that takes 20-30 minutes per day, depending upon the age. I also want diagramming involved.


This will be for my 4th grader for now and my other younger ones for later.



Hake Grammar fits your requirements if secular is OK. It is workbook style, written to the student, independent, takes my DS 15 - 20 min. per lesson, includes diagramming. They recently made the 4th grade level available to homeschoolers. (Otherwise, it starts at grade 5, which your DC could easily do if switching from R&S.) It seems to be a popular alternative to R&S around here, if a family is needing something secular or more independent than R&S. For grammar only (skipping the writing component), you would need the student TEXTbook (our grade 5 has 112 lessons, so 3 per week) and perhaps teacher book (answer key). The writing component is exclusively taught in the student WORKbook. (The WORKbook contains about 100 pages of writing lessons plus extra grammar practice for 28 specific grammar lessons from the main text. There's so much review in the text, we've never used the extra grammar practice pages.)


ETA - I forgot to include that Hake Grammar includes tests and has spiral review in every lesson. The instruction is followed by about 10 practice questions on the new topic, then 20 - 30 spiral review questions. Once diagramming is introduced, there are about 2 or 3 diagramming review questions in every lesson too. If the spiral review is too much, many people skip every other review question, or otherwise adjust to fit their DC's needs/preferences.

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Thanks so much, both of you. That gives me something to look into for next year.


Your description of Hake sounds a lot like what I would be wanting!!


Added later: I did go look at Growing with Grammar, and that looks good too. I like that it is laid out through 8th grade, as that seems to be a good cut-off age!! The price is reasonable as well!! Thanks!!

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I suggest Steps to Good Grammar from Walch. It was recommended by MandyinTN here. It is just grammar, includes diagramming, is affordable, and secular. I like it, although I have only done 1 lesson on nouns with my dd so far.



I took a look and saw that Walch's website recommends this for grades 7 - 9. Are you using it with the 8 year old in your signature? Is it part of a series that can be used over more than one year? Just looking ahead . . .

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I took a look and saw that Walch's website recommends this for grades 7 - 9. Are you using it with the 8 year old in your signature? Is it part of a series that can be used over more than one year? Just looking ahead . . .



There are two books in the series. MandyinTN suggested they might be similar to JAG and AG. She compared Steps to Good Grammar to AG and found them very similar (she has posted this observation in the forum several times.)


Yes, I did the first lesson with my 8yo dd. She understands grammar naturally. We have covered the parts of speech, subject, object and prepositional phrases via KISS grammar Level 1 over the last two years. I am not sure she can do the advanced lessons (appositive phrases, clauses, etc.) yet. I plan to cover the Walch workbook slowly over the next 2 years or so. She attends a school in Singapore and they cover advanced grammar (appositives, gerunds) in 5th grade. The Walch workbook will prepare her well for that.

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