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TWTM Book - Differences between 2004 & 2009 edition

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IMO, the 04 edition mainly brings suggested curriculum up to date. There was a whole lot that went OOP soon after the first edition came out. Entire sections were revised.


The 09 edition seems to have had more editorial changes. The logic state chapters were heavily revised and streamlined, for the better if you ask me. There were also even more changes in material suggested due to changes in availability etc.


Anyway, that is what I take away from it.

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IMO, the 04 edition mainly brings suggested curriculum up to date. There was a whole lot that went OOP soon after the first edition came out. Entire sections were revised.


The 09 edition seems to have had more editorial changes. The logic state chapters were heavily revised and streamlined, for the better if you ask me. There were also even more changes in material suggested due to changes in availability etc.


I agree. The logic stage history section and the info on outlining In particular were clarified and explained more in the 09 edition.

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