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Galore Park English question


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I really like the look of the Galore Park English materials, but I was wondering about a few things.


My DS (will be in 5th grade next year) really hates writing out answers to anything. He is kind of writing-phobic, I guess.


First of all, I'm wondering if I could turn these books into consumable workbooks by chopping off the spines. I know that he will need to use additional paper for writing assignments and comprehension questions, but it seems like a lot of the grammar exercises (at least in the sample chapters) involve writing out sentences and then fixing punctuation/capitalization, etc. I don't see why these things couldn't be fixed right in the book, thus lessening how many sentences needed to be written out.


Does anyone know if this would work?


Additionally, my DS is a voracious reader, but hates to write and is somewhat "innocent." He also has trouble remembering to capitalize things, even though we've gone over it a million times. His spelling is quite poor (and we would continue with Apples & Pears for that.) For those reasons, I think that perhaps using the books a year behind might match his level better. Would it be terrible to use Junior English 3 for a 5th grade program?


TIA for any advice.

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Do you need him to work independently or can you go through some sections with him? I ask because I don't have ds write the grammar-type questions - we just go over it orally.


I don't think there is much in the way of capitalizing and spelling in there, so I would go more by reading level.


We've only done a couple chapters so far, so hopefully someone with more experience will chime in.

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I think the books are fairly advanced. My girls used them at grade level, but my son will use them a year behind. He will not be ready to start Jr. English 1 this fall as a 2nd grader, so we will wait and begin in third. I don't forsee any problems with that. My dd 13, 7th grade, has done the first six books (finishing the sixth book this year) but I am thinking that I will hold off on the 8th grade book (English Year 9) and use it in 9th. There is a bit of a jump between those two books and we aren't there yet. The following year it should be a better fit for her.

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I really like the look of the Galore Park English materials, but I was wondering about a few things.


My DS (will be in 5th grade next year) really hates writing out answers to anything. He is kind of writing-phobic, I guess.


First of all, I'm wondering if I could turn these books into consumable workbooks by chopping off the spines. I know that he will need to use additional paper for writing assignments and comprehension questions, but it seems like a lot of the grammar exercises (at least in the sample chapters) involve writing out sentences and then fixing punctuation/capitalization, etc. I don't see why these things couldn't be fixed right in the book, thus lessening how many sentences needed to be written out.


Does anyone know if this would work?


Additionally, my DS is a voracious reader, but hates to write and is somewhat "innocent." He also has trouble remembering to capitalize things, even though we've gone over it a million times. His spelling is quite poor (and we would continue with Apples & Pears for that.) For those reasons, I think that perhaps using the books a year behind might match his level better. Would it be terrible to use Junior English 3 for a 5th grade program?


TIA for any advice.



Junior English 3 would typically be used with ages 9-10 in UK private schools. The private schools tend to run ahead of UK state schools, so I think you'd be fine using it with a 10-11 year old.


As for writing in the books: you certainly could, although there's not that much space between the lines - as far as I recall - for making crossings out clear. I might be tempted to quickly retype the punctuation exercises at a size and spacing that makes sense for your son. Or just do it orally as a pp suggested.


Best wishes



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Thank you for all of the suggestions!


I am really starting to feel good about this choice.


His reading level is quite high, so maybe the SYRWTLE 1 would be okay. I've been looking (over and over again) at the samples for Junior English 3 and SYRWTLE 1, trying to decide which level will be the best fit. I suspect that either one would be okay, but that the younger level might make a smoother transition into this curriculum.


We could definitely do some of the exercises orally, although we do use a charter school so there

is some pressure to have enough work to show each month.


Thanks, Laura, for the suggestion of retyping the exercises. For some reason, i hadn't thought of that! That sounds like a good solution.


I appreciate all of your input so much!

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