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How to design a website with a blog? on a budget?


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Our children are starting a service organization. It is a great and well thought out plan, but we have no idea how to make a website with a blog.


Is it possible to learn this ourselves? Where to start?


Or would It be better to hire someone? Is local or online better? How much would this cost?


Thank you so much for any direction!

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That's great! I'd probably start with something free and simple, like blogspot. If you are ambitious, you could teach yourself Wordpress.


My husband charges several thousand dollars for a website. You might find someone locally that could donate their services. But if you are just starting out, I'd recommend doing it yourselves. It would be a good learning opportunity for your kids!

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Have you thought about what you will need down the road?


If you only need to host a blog, that is one thing, for which you have suggestions. If you will want other capabilities, such as having membership logins, etc., that is quite different. In that case, I suggest you look as hosting services, such as Wild Apricot. If you will have even a small amount of money coming in, they would be an option. With something like them, you won’t have to deal with all of headache and troubles associated with keeping web software up to date.

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Ok thanks. We really don't want to deal with money and file as a nonprofit. So, we will go the do it ourselves as simply as possible route. I have some direction from the pm now. I had no idea bow much it would cost to pay someone!

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