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What's the "scoop" on SPELLWELL?


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We are using it this upcoming year as part of the Winterpromise Language Arts program. I think it looks wonderful. My son thinks it looks good for a spelling program. I don't know how it will actually go, but we are looking forward to it.

I am sorry that I am not much help,


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If you are talking about the EPS Spellwell I have used this for the past 3 years. I am using it again this year with my 3rd grader. If it went past 5th grade I would use it with my 6th grader. I like it alot. The exercises are varied each week. I like the pretest also. Hope this helps.

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I have started it with my ds7 for second grade. He is a natural speller and did really well with Apples and Pears, but he is using this independently for a term and he really enjoys it. He likes the activities and choosing two words each week that he wants to learn to spell. He can almost always spell the list words right for the pre-test, so I like that he can learn alternate words instead. I don't think I would choose this as my only spelling program, but for this time when I need to work more with his younger sister, it is working nicely. I plan to return to Apples and Pears later in the fall, so this is just a fun but temporary curriculum.





ds7, dd6, ds4, dd2, ds1

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