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Compliment from my daughter yesterday


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DD- Why is it that most people with teenagers don't know how to deal with teenagers? Well, except you and Mrs. R.


me - I don't know what you mean.


DD- Mrs M, I'm not sure about. And Mrs. P is ok. But Mrs G and Mrs H. It's like they think we should be adult like. When adult women get in the kitchen, there is a lot of talking but the cooking gets done. They expect that when they work with the youth. But you and Mrs R, you know there will be chaos and you work with it without losing control. They, I guess they just are so controlling and when they can't control things, they just get angry. Mrs R, well, her kids are part of the chaos and she lives with them so she knows. And Mrs K, nothing rattles her, ever. And you, you just roll with it.



This was leading up to cooking a pancake supper for church last night. For the past 3 years I've been in charge and the youth cook and clean up after. I guess it's good I'm in charge and not some of the other moms.

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