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Anyone doing the World Education Games with kindle fires?

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I completed the sign ups then discovered adobe flash is required to play. I cannot seem to get things to work. One Fire(mine) is an old one which it is supposed to work on -- not for this. The kids have new models and it apparently will not work. Is there anyway around this?


I had thought this would be fun using the fires. I never would have started this if I had thought the fires wouldn't work. Each dc would have their own. If we have to do this on one laptop it will be a constant battle here.


Sorry I turned this question into a bit of a rant. My dissappointment sort of took over. If someone can tell me how to make it work or that it definately won't I would be grateful.



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No help specific to the fire, but last week a lot of us with any OS but Windows 7 were having trouble, especially with science, but by the middle of the week, they'd gotten it working, so maybe they'll update before the contest? Also, I know apps for iPad/android are supposed to be out Feb 15 for each event so maybe that's what you need.


Finally, does Rover work on the Fire? Until Mathletics came out with their specific app, I had to go through Rover for DD to access Mathletics on the iPad, and still do for spellodrome, so that might be worth trying.

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