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Favourite biographies and autobiographies/memoirs/slices of life

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I've just started what promises to be a terrific biography about Jimmy Winkfield, the last black jockey to win the Kentucky Derby... and so very much more. He left the US for Russia because of racism, built up a career there, ended up fleeing during the Revolution with a party on horseback, starts over again in Paris, until WWII hit, and made and remade himself from nothing, until his eventual retirement. His is an amazing story.


Black Maestro: Epic Life of an American Legend


I'm starting to make a master biography list for high-school level reading and would love some recommendations of your favourites of the extraordinary people in perhaps extraordinary times, but ones that probably wouldn't be formally assigned for history. I've got an avid and fast reader. The requirement will be at least 45 a year for five years. They won't be assigned, but must be chosen from the pool (or be an approved substitute), so I need a big pool to start.


Black Maestro

My Life in France

To Tell the Truth Freely: The Life of Ida B. Wells

Molly Brown: Unraveling the Myth

Mother Jones: The Most Dangerous Woman in America

Consuelo and Alva Vanderbilt: The Story of a Daughter and a Mother in the Gilded Age


The Brendan Voyage

The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary

The Illustrated Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time

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Don't know if these are what you're looking for at all, but the coolest autobiographies I've read were in conjunction with the audiobook.


Walter Cronkite's A Reporter's Life with the audio version read by him, and

Angela's Ashes read by Frank McCourt. I still think of how rich we are in comparison every time I cook eggs.

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Don't know if these are what you're looking for at all, but the coolest autobiographies I've read were in conjunction with the audiobook.


Walter Cronkite's A Reporter's Life with the audio version read by him, and

Angela's Ashes read by Frank McCourt. I still think of how rich we are in comparison every time I cook eggs.



I'm looking for everything. :) Clear as mud, I know.



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I don't want to hijack, but I wonder if anyone can tell me about this one? I took a quick look and it would fit well topically with things we are doing, but my eldest is only 9. She is a voracious and high school level reader, but I always have to worry about content, so any input would be great.



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I don't want to hijack, but I wonder if anyone can tell me about this one? I took a quick look and it would fit well topically with things we are doing, but my eldest is only 9. She is a voracious and high school level reader, but I always have to worry about content, so any input would be great.


It's fine for kids, but be sure to get the illustrated version... it's a far richer experience.

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Just thought of Franklin's Autobiography & what about Frederick Douglass's as well.


Definitely these two.


A few others, mostly recommended by the quirky men in my life:


The Mascot: Unraveling the Mystery of My Jewish Father's Nazi Boyhood, by Mark Kurzem

The Bielski Brothers: The True Story of Three Men Who Defied the Nazis, Built a Village in the Forest, and Saved 1,200 Jews, by Peter Duffy. (Apparently, this one is better than Defiance, which is about the same men.)

Life in a Jar: The Irina Sendler Project, by Jack Mayer

The Story of My Life, by Helen Keller

The Forbidden Experiment, by Roger Shattuck

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