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Reading long words


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We started the Reading Reflex with my son who then went to school for a year and a half. Little phonics tuition was given focussing mainly on sight words. My son now 8, struggles when he comes to a long word, he doesn't know how to chunk it and decode it, he just guesses. What program/tuition can I give him to help with decoding long words/ to improve his reading?

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We divide the words into syllables. I write the divisions (either on the media/book if we own it, or on a small whiteboard). We mark digraphs and talk about the special sounds.


If I have to, I cover the subsequent syllables, and let dd read ONLY one syllable at a time.

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I recently pulled out the Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading for my son, who is almost 8. (My dd5 is using it for her phonics lessons.) He is a great reader, but I found that he was guessing at some of the larger words. We started at lesson 219 (?) and have just been going through some of those lessons with longer words. I like how SWB has them broken down into syllables. My son tried to read the word as a whole, but if he has a problem, I point to the syllables. It works great.

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I use SWR for this. My dd7 learned to read basically on her own. She would know a word as soon as she heard someone say it, but she couldn't decode new words. It took over 2 years of intensive phonics instruction before I saw her decode a new word completely on her own.

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