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If a child has ADHD would their hyperactivity/impulsive behavior possibly be more severe in certain situations than in others? My son seems to have more trouble outside the home than inside it--not with attention but with the hyper/impulsive behaviors. I'm not sure what might cause that or if it's typical.


Should I just stay by his side everywhere? I'm feeling discouraged with his behavior in church activities particularly as it's important to me that he goes and he enjoys it.

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Yes, new situations can cause more extreme behavior. If he will be in a sport or class, plan on a transition period while you shadow your ds until he gets used to the new routine and rules. Mine always get spun up in groups and show worse behavior than at home. And yes, it does limit what we are able to do.

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Mayb sensory issues? Overstimulation? My ds sees, hears and smells everything. At home he'd be quite alright but even playing outside is too much.

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Yes, it is typical.


There is so much to overwhelm an ADHD kid outside the home. They are accustomed to the various stimulants in the home, but when they go out, it is a whole new ballgame.


Things that can help:

Prepare him for what to expect

Stay close to help head-off problem behaviors

Help him find ways to deal with overstimulation... this could be swinging or bouncing before he goes or maybe finding a quiet space to refocus for a few minutes when things get overwhelming, the choices vary with the environment


Negative behaviors definitely stem from overstimulation. He can't focus on any one thing, his frustration level grows and his reactions to each individual stimuli may become inappropriate. Your best bet is to work with him in an environment like church. Help him learn coping mechanisms within that environment, then give him space to practice them. You may find you have to explicitly teach him behaviors that seem to be obvious to those around him. Be calm and patient. The over reactions of those around him will just elevate his overstimulation. He will learn to deal with these situations. It will just take time.

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:iagree: with everything that's been said so far. The one thing that you shouldn't do is feel the need to be there with him 100% of the time. It could be overstimulation, it also could be that he feels that he has different limits in different scenarios. I don't know who old your son is but research different options of how to control the environment that he's placed in. And support system is important too. You mentioned church activities, if the adult supervising knows that your son has particular problems, then maybe you can work together to help him? One thing I've learned too after dealing with an ADHD daughter for the past 10+ years is that sometimes, if you are in public, you have to put your patience hat on and ignore other people! The most important thing is that you are helping your child. If that means that others feel the need to look at you and judge you, who cares. Ignore them. Focus on your family and helping your son.

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