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CC Essentials Families


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Asking for help...

EEL is simply not working for my son. The chart copying has become a dreaded chore with very little retention. Now that we're half way through though, I'm now looking at either going back to R&S or AG. (He is a 6th grade Aspie.)

I find the layout to be very confusing, but we have continued to get through it week-after-week.

It's just not working for him. It's not sticking. I understand this is only year 1 of EEL for him and the expectation is that by year 3 in essentials he will have mastered it, but I feel like he is terribly confused and that we lost what he learned in FLL and R&S over the years.

I've tried cutting back on chart copying, but then that is a lot of chart to memorize/master. Copying does obviously make it easier to retain. We do continue with sentences and using the Analytic Task sheet to diagram the sentences. I'm really at a loss.

Then in IEW, again - little retention. I think he is completely over-focused on the stylistic techniques and dress-ups. But I do think this is something that we could probably get through if we continue with IEW.




I'm debating even continuing at this point :(




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I didn't have my son do any chart in year one except for the first chart with the different sentence structures/ types of sentences etc. He picked up a lot of information irregardless. Also, I mostly focused on the writing assignments and just the basic diagramming. I figured since he would be doing 3 years, it wasn't that big of a deal.

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if you join CC connected Essentials, there are songs for all the charts done by "no greater joy" I believe? You can also ask your tutor to make you a CD also (ours did). She also made some flash cards (also found on CC connected Essentials) to memorize quite a bit of that information. When the kids had a song to sing when they wrote down the charts, it made it so much faster. I'm not sure, but maybe you could join the CC connected Essentials for a month just to get all the information you need?



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Are you trying to do this alone? It is not meant to be done alone. I can't imagine how overwhelming that would be.


I have a child with dysgraphia. It is his first year. I only expect him to copy the 112 chart and one or two lines from the chart we are currently working on. I have a friend who cuts up answers to the blanks in the charts. Her daughter places them where they go. Some people just read the charts out loud. Others listen to the songs available on cc connected essentials board. The program is really designed to be flexible.


Before we started I used Winston Grammar. I introduced one card per day. I tweaked the cards to the Essentials definitions since I knew Essentials was our next stop. I just wrote on the cards. Then I wrote one or two of the sentences on the white board. My son laid out the cards in order and then labeled the sentence. We didn't diagram until we got to Essentials. It worked beautifully. There was no writing involved, but plenty of learning.


As for IEW, that is also supposed to be tweaked to your child's level. Don't worry about the stylistic techniques and dress-ups until you are ready. I don't require my son to include everything on the check list this year. Also, I don't make him write it. He would die! He dictates it to me, and I type it. He gets to illustrate it.


Hope that helps!

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