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MFW Adventures


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One of these days I'm just going to get this so I can see whether or not it works for us, lol.


Couple questions, I'd appreciate any answers you might have!


1. Is there anywhere on the web (i.e. blogs) that you can see samples of the student sheets? I know I've seen them before at a convention a few years back, and I'd really like to see some again.


2. Is this good for 3rd graders? (I would be using it for 1st & 3rd) If you felt it was light, I'd love to hear how you "beefed" it up...


3. My son did HOD's Beyond in 1st grade and part of HOD's Bigger this year. (While we're not following the guide anymore, we're still following the history.) The only reason I'm really considering Adventures is because I want to combine my dd. I really can't wrap my head around combining them anyway in HOD, as much as I love it! Can anyone compare Adventures to either of those programs? Is it going to be just too redundant for him?


I'm really unsure what we want to do next year. What I do know is that I want to combine them for history, though. FWIW, ds tends to place at the higher end of programs, and dd tends to place at the lower end. I just want to combine them!!!!


Thanks for any help. :)

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Well, when we did Adv. I had an older TM, so the sheets were in the back. I'm not sure if they have added/made them better or not, but here is my take.


We LOVED Adventures. I really liked the book basket aspect, and that is how you for sure could beef it up. I wish I could get super specific, but I'm having trouble remembering all of the details! I suggest you check the MFW forums, because you can look week by week under Adv. & see what people do for crafts, timeline stuff, food ideas, etc..... You could also add more to the state studies if you felt you needed to, but I think it's great the way it is.


The only thing is, you will be doing another year of American history, which isn't necessarily bad........ And, with all of the book basket options, plus doing the state study, it will be different. And, if you plan on using MFW long-term, and based on you dc's ages, it would be where you want to start.


Good luck! :001_smile:

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Yes, with Book Basket you could easily beef it up as needed. :) You could also assign more notebooking to the oldest child... oral or written narrations, illustrations, tracings of pictures from "fact" based books.... there are some gorgeous coffee table type books on the 50 states and U.S. geography at the library! And birds.... you could really expand on the bird study in Adventures, too. You could either pull together some more resources on your own for a more expanded bird study (think Charlotte Mason), or add Apologia's Zoo 1 book. You could teach ALL of the U.S. presidents to your oldest, rather than just the few most well-known guys as scheduled.


Now, all that assumes your 3rd grader will need beefing up in the history or science aspect of it. You could also do more Bible verses/passages on the names of Jesus, or just do more reading and discussing in this area. There's also this, if you like that sort of thing: http://store.precept.org/p-315-god-whats-your-name.aspx


You could also beef up more in the areas of reading and language arts, separate from what's already included in Adventures. You could Logic games and puzzles.... There's really a LOT you could do with it.


But I would probably get Adventures and give it a good look through from front to back, including the Book Basket list (which also includes videos), before deciding on any supplementation. Then decide whether or what you want to add. :)

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I am using Adventures with my 2nd grader this year and we are loving it! I'm posting a link to my favorite blogger who used Adventures. She has a link for each week so you could easily take a look and get a good feel for Adventures. I have to warn you that there is A LOT of fun and creative links on her site. I have no idea how she found the time to do everything, but the beauty of it is that you can pick and choose. You don't have to do all these things in order to enjoy Adventures. You can make it as simple as you want or it would be easy to supplement if you feel it would be too light. Best of luck to you!



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I used it with a 2nd grade level child and found it to be light. We enjoyed very much though. I did beef it up by adding more reading (I got tons of the Step into Reading and I Can Read books with a American History theme). I added in weekly narration on the book read and we added in more state study. If I was to do it again I would start the state study at the beginning of the year and do 2 a week spending 2 days on each state and a week or 2 on our home state. The science was extremely light so we just added another science. Overall it was a good year.

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I am using Adventures with my 2nd grader this year and we are loving it! I'm posting a link to my favorite blogger who used Adventures. She has a link for each week so you could easily take a look and get a good feel for Adventures. I have to warn you that there is A LOT of fun and creative links on her site. I have no idea how she found the time to do everything, but the beauty of it is that you can pick and choose. You don't have to do all these things in order to enjoy Adventures. You can make it as simple as you want or it would be easy to supplement if you feel it would be too light. Best of luck to you!





She has some amazing ideas! Thanks for that link. :)

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I have also found science to be on the light side. It depends on your child. Mine happens to love science and desires more. I love the way MFW weaves bible and science together with things like Jesus is the Light of the World and our science included experiments with light, or Jesus is the Bread of Life and we made bread and did experiments with yeast. I wouldn't want to miss out on MFW science, but I do wish there was a little more. This can also be done through nature walks and studies which MFW encourages, but honestly we are not very good at getting this done.

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I have also found science to be on the light side. It depends on your child. Mine happens to love science and desires more. I love the way MFW weaves bible and science together with things like Jesus is the Light of the World and our science included experiments with light, or Jesus is the Bread of Life and we made bread and did experiments with yeast. I wouldn't want to miss out on MFW science, but I do wish there was a little more. This can also be done through nature walks and studies which MFW encourages, but honestly we are not very good at getting this done.


I have heard the science is light. I have been promising the kids all this year that we'll do Apologia's Swimming Creatures next year, so if we go with MFW, we'd probably add that book in addition to the MFW science. I love the idea of all their stuff weaving the Bible into it. :)

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