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ADHD - 3 number multiplication

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My ds 10 is struggling to stay neat and keep track of 3 number multiplication. We have stopped moving forward in math till he can show 100%. He fights everything! He struggles with organizing all kinds of problems and tends to not complete a problem with more than one step!


Any advice on how to help him or are we expecting too much? Is he capable of doing it? All we can come up with is lots of repetition and work. How do we help him organize himself. He just can't seem to remember how!

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Imagine being asked to spin straw into gold. I imagine that's what looking at long multiplication and division is for my ADHD guy.


Grid paper might help. Sitting next to him and doing the writing as he recites the steps, gently correcting computation errors so he can work on concept over computation. Or there's always a calculator. If he's not medication, has the condition and cannot remember from step to step then something does have to change. Otherwise the child will begin to think it is an intelligence problem not a functioning one. KWIM?

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We use 1/2" grid paper. You could use different colored pencils. A printable graph paper link follows:



For multiplication, review decomposing numbers and simple mental math. Base 10 blocks would help with decomposing numbers...Maybe follow that up by teaching the commutative and distributive property of multiplication. Afterwards, look at area of multiplication, partial products method, and lattice multiplication.


For division, look at double division at www.doubledivision.org ...it was mentioned recently by FairProspects...

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We have been using grid paper. We started it a few months ago. He still gets lost keeping track of carrying. His writing is sloppy and he confuses his own numbers. I did find a great paper on the web that talks about organization issues with math. Hopefully we can have him read it also so he can see we are not trying to make life hard for him, but trying to help him get organized.


Thank you for you responses!

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