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Guessing word from context rather than reading

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I'm am gently working with 4 year old ds in reading. He is going through the stage dd was stuck in forever where he has to sound out just about every word. I want to work on smoother blending with him because he is pausing between his sound and will say c a t cat rather than ccaaattt cat. I am just starting simple readers like the ones on starfall with him. I am noticing that he is guessing some of the words from context rather than looking closely at the word. What can I do to stop that habit? This isn't a habit dd had.

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I don't know how to stop it, but my ds does this! Today we were reading about a pet at the vet and he sounded out v e t and then said "pharmacy" I just about died trying not to laugh! One thing that I have tried is flash cards and writing words on the whiteboard without any context. It helps some, but as soon as there is a story he's filling in his own words.

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I had this problem with dd when she started reading. She even added in words (adjectives and others) to make the simple readers more pf what she was use to hearing. She would see the accompanying picture and make words fit more precisely. I let her but then I would make read the word she skipped just to be sure she did not skip it because she could not figure it out. Eventually we stopped reading the formula readers and this problem went away.

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