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Is it difficult to transition to Righstart from other programs?


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DD is starting second grade. So far we have used Singapore, which dd tolerates, and Miquon, which she enjoys. I'm going to be starting ds on Rightstart A this year and was curious to know if Rightstart might also be a good fit for dd, but I didn't know if it might be hard to transition from Singapore? How would I know which level to use with her if I did decide to switch?

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Transitioning to RS is very easy at that age. Answer the placement questions at the website. If she needs to start in B, then perfect.. That's a wonderful starting level! If she needs to be in C, then she will just need to do a few transition lessons with the transitions book, but it's not a big deal. We didn't find RS until my oldest dd was 8. We were using Singapore at the time. I started her in level C after doing the transition lessons and we had no problems. In fact she is better at math now than I ever dreamed she would be. We've used it for 2 1/2 years and I wouldn't dream of going back to Singapore or any other program.

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Miquon really is a good program.


If she enjoys it why not just use it for the next year?


Oh, we're definitely not giving up Miquon. She loves it, and I already have all of the books in the series. It works well for us. It's Singapore that I'm thinking of dropping. Sorry if I was unclear.

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Oh, we're definitely not giving up Miquon. She loves it, and I already have all of the books in the series. It works well for us. It's Singapore that I'm thinking of dropping. Sorry if I was unclear.


I understand that you are keeping Miquon, I just don't think you need Singapore or Rightstart with it, especially if she is enjoying it. Sure you'll need something else in another year or two when you finish Miquon, but at that point, you'll the placement test and start then.

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I understand that you are keeping Miquon, I just don't think you need Singapore or Rightstart with it, especially if she is enjoying it. Sure you'll need something else in another year or two when you finish Miquon, but at that point, you'll the placement test and start then.


Oh, I see. I completely misunderstood; I'm sorry. Well, I guess I don't feel completely comfortable just using Miquon. I think of it more as a supplement than a main text, for us. But I'll have to ponder that possiblity for awhile, since it had never occured to me before that we might be able to just use Miquon. I would still feel compelled to use flash cards for memorizing math facts, I know, but. . .hmmm. . .I guess I'll consider a new possibililty. Thanks for chiming in.

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