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Looking for comments on Scholars Online history courses

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My dd took WHI last year with Sandra Howard and really enjoyed it. She had to write a couple of papers during the year and the test had multiple components (MC, essay questions, etc.). It's definitely a high school level class.


My dd will be taking WHII with her this coming year. However, SO has changed the structure a bit and are now only offering a one year World History class instead of WHI and WHII. My son will be taking the one year WH class. I had to buy a completely different history text for the new World History for my ds.


The class is tough. My dd, who made all A's in her other classes, made a B in this class, but she learned a lot and enjoyed the class. The class was all girls and was small.


My dd took Western Lit. last year, too, and though it was tough in the beginning, it eventually became her favorite class. It's is A LOT of reading, though, so keep this in mind. Where World Lit. has a textbook, Western Lit. is comprised of 11 books, none of them small. The Illiad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid are all read before Christmas (and not just excerpts, the whole books). The tests are very comprehensive and require detailed knowledge and understanding of the readings. Like I said, my dd struggled at the beginning (there were tears), but by the end of the year it had become her favorite class.




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Carolyn, I have the Teacher's Edition of World Literature that SO recommends. Did the online course add a lot more to it than the information in the text? How was the course structured? How much writing did your daughter do? Did she do a separate writing course? We did Unit 1 on our own and enjoyed it but I am thinking of having ds. enroll in the class for next year. I guess I am asking if it is really worth it? I know it is a subjective question but still I would like to know what you found the most beneficial about the online course.



P.s. Sorry, I can't help with the history question

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They cover the entire text and he does have them read all the background info on each reading as well. Each week there is an online quiz that must be taken before the class. The quiz is made up of objective, "did you actually do the reading" kind of questions, but they are fairly detailed. There were about 4 exams throughout the year, with both objective and essay questions. There are no other writing assignments, no papers, etc. The weekly routine is do the reading, take the quiz, discuss in class. Dr. McM taught far more than I could have, even with a teacher's edition. My daugher enjoyed the class as well. It was a good intro to online learning, and to learning from someone other than mom.


Let me know if you have any other questions,


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