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Which scheduling software will...

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allow me to enter subjects, days of week I want them covered, amount of time I want per subject, and then generate a weekly schedule in a chart where I can look at what each child and what I am teaching all on one grid?


For example, if at 10am one Dc is going to work on math and the other on writing, I want to see them both listed at 10am without having to jump back and forth b/t entries per child.


I'm new to using software for planning. I've been looking at Skedtrack and I like it, it seems easy to use, but I haven't found a feature for listing the week's schedule all in one grid.

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I'm pretty sure HST+ would do this. It has a learning curve, but really, it seems to do everything. The only thing with this report is that it would show you the subject, but to have it all on one grid wouldn't allow you to see the details, such as what math lesson it is or what you are doing in writing. There are other reports that would do that though.


Simply Charlotte Mason will give you a list with each child on it and list by subject but you can't add times to it.


Those are the two I have the most experience with. Hopefully someone else will chime in on any others.


Good luck,

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I'm pretty sure HST+ would do this. It has a learning curve, but really, it seems to do everything. The only thing with this report is that it would show you the subject, but to have it all on one grid wouldn't allow you to see the details, such as what math lesson it is or what you are doing in writing. There are other reports that would do that though.


Simply Charlotte Mason will give you a list with each child on it and list by subject but you can't add times to it.


Those are the two I have the most experience with. Hopefully someone else will chime in on any others.


Good luck,



Thank you! I'm glad to get a response! I'll have to take a closer look at HST+, though I don't know if I have time now for the learning curve.

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Well, for me, the learning curve really wasn't that bad. The first day, I looked around, closed it and swore I'd never use it. Two days later, I opened again and just started doing things. If I wasn't sure about something, I looked it up in the help manual and continued. It really only took me a few days after that to get things going. One thing that helped me was to download someone else's lesson plan (anything will do), just so I could see how it was setup. I played a bit and added students, etc. Then deleted the database and started my "official" one.


Please feel free to ask any questions, I'd be happy to help if I can.

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I don't think this is what you're looking for, but if you've ever used Managers of Their Homes, they have an online scheduling component called ScheduleBreeze that will do what you've asked. That's all it does though - just schedules. It makes me fairly happy, though!


I thought I remembered MOTH had something like that. I'll have to look at it again. Thanks.

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Also the customer service at Homeschool Tracker Plus is amazing. They are so sweet and they have a forum too. I learn so much just reading old threads.


You can do all that on HST+ . I print out a weekly grid for DD11 and hand it to her on Monday and away she goes. I teach when she needs it and help keep her on track. You can put time on everything also.



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I took a closer look at HST+, and it looks good, but I need it to be available for iphone, ipods & my mac. From the website I see it is only available for PCs. How does HST online compare? I thought I read some negative reviews here. It would be expensive at $60 a year.

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I used both at first and ended up with HST+ just due to more options. However, HST Online is good too (it just can't compare, imo, to HST+). If, however, it was all I could use, I would based on your wants/needs. To me, it's not bad, but sometimes it seems to take a little longer to enter everything than it needs to be. It might give you exactly what you need though and it definitely will work with your MAC, iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc. If mine would have actually logged in and marked things instead of wanting a piece of paper, I may have gone with it.


Good luck,

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