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I need cookbooks/blogs for EASY, family-friendly raw foods, or healthy foods.

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I have and love Whole Foods for the Whole Family, Eat-Clean Diet, and a few others. I'd like some nice, easy raw cookbooks too, and any other healthy cookbooks that would work for family cooking. We don't need vegan or any other category, just basically healthy.


Anyone have any ideas to share? Thanks!

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I'm not sure how you mean "easy" Most raw books are not what I call "point and shoot." Most of them require a bit of learning, and some special equipment. I think maybe your best bet for this genre would be here:




Alissa Cohen is the raw person for families, I guess you could say. She's the one you want to turn to for raw potato chips, and other more family friendly fare.


As far as easy, family friendly, healthy recipes, I suggest you peruse the Fat Free Vegan site if you've never seen it. It would be great for the occasional vegan recipe, or a generally healthy dish, to which you could easy throw a piece of chicken next to if you like. http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2005/12/recipe-index.html





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Not raw and not vegan but I am pleasing my dh big time with recipes from this little mag - everydayfoodmag.com I think is the website.


I posted before about what we've eaten lately - yesterday mango and avocado sandwich (unbelievable! yum) and tonite's dinner was canteloupe with ricotta and pistachios and for fun and at the request of dd we had egg white omelets with spinach and cottage cheese filling - whoo hoo. Yummers.



They have GREAT salad dressings which is nice because we've gotten tired of our sorry same old choices. I actually look forward to salads now.


Check out the pork tenderloin rub - it's awesome - and if it's only every two weeks it's not too bad for ya.


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Found another site for ya, I'm looking at the same things so my efforts are paying off double I guess...



don't know how you feel about sushi but I never would have guessed my family would love it so. We just use avocado, carrot and cucumber with rice, soy sauce rolled in a seaweed wrap. THEY ALL eat it up. Except ds who has just gone on strike from it for some weird reason after all these months of eating it.

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I am also an NT fan and love vegan lunch box! And I just yesterday found Alissa Cohen-great forums there too. 101 cookbooks looks good-we love (veggie) sushi but it's a pain to make so I printed out her sushi bowl recipe to try this week! Keep 'em coming if you have more-thanks!

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