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Add housecleaning help


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Ok let's try this again. I have add and serious cleaning issues. My house growing up looked like a house off hoarders so that didn't help me any. I need a free app with alarms that tells me what to clean and when/how :) dh has been so understanding but it only goes so far. I get frustrated at myself because I don't know these things and my inability to focus with not remembering what I was doing before distraction. I have read Sidetracked Executives and got the cards done but I don't remember to look at the cards and if I do I might get one thing done before add strikes. Please help me. Oh and motivated moms lite was a flop. Not detailed enough and no alarms. I gave fly lady on cozi but once again no alarms not enough detail on how to clean (but I like all the detail on what to clean, rather helpful because with me, if its out of sight its out of mind) maybe a book/ free app on how to clean things would be nice too. I think once I know how to clean things and find a doable DAILY chore list I can make cozi work for me.

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Remembering to look at your cards is part of the training, and it just takes practice. :-)


Do you have a microwave oven with a timer? What if you set it for, oh, 30 minutes, and when it goes off, you stop it and restart it for another 30 minutes while you check your cards and do the next thing. You could keep your card file box on the counter next to the microwave.


Don Aslett's books are good for telling you how to clean; he has no patience with people who don't naturally know how to get their acts together, though; he thinks you should Just Do It. His books in combination with S.H.E. are good.


Also, do you have the newer S.H.E. book? Their original one had you write out more job cards; IOW, instead of one card that said "Clean the bathroom" and then listed what needed to be done, they had a card for.each.step of cleaning the bathroom, because they were just that sidetracked. And I think it went into more detail about the cleaning/decluttering process.

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Learn to handle one basic task every week, start to finish. It's getting it DONE that will help you.


Do you start wash, then forget it, having to rewash it again, stuff like that? Let your dishes pile up?


Do just one thing this week, start to finish, like dishes as you go.


Go do the dishes, start to finish, wash, dry and put away. Do that for a week so you know what it feels like to finish and complete.


The next week, keep it up and add laundry.


The next week, the floors.


The next week, the dusting.


I think learning how to start, work at it, and finish is a big deal.

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I have read both, my kitchen is tiny so there is no space by the microwave to put my box :( hmmmm maybe I can just put their daily in cozi and set alarms that way

Well, then put your box where it's easily accessible and use a regular kitchen timer.


Also, here's a morning routine:


Take your shower at night.


Get dressed in the morning the instant your feet touch the floor. Make up your bed before you leave your bedroom. When you go out to meet the world, you'll be doing it clean and dressed, and your bed will be made. Having your bed made is a wondrous thing. :-)

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Have you ever listened to "Gramma's Garden" podcast that is available on blogtalkradio? I found her through searching for Flylady. She has ADD and addresses many topics and how she deals with everyday issues. I have listened to a few of them and already gleaned some helpful information from her.

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Is there a house cleaning for dummies book? Or something like that for a novice housekeeper?

Don Aslett's books are good for that. However, as I said, he doesn't understand people who are sidetracked, so he doesn't provide as many checklists and whatnot as S.H.E. does. You can use his books to tell you how to clean, and their book to help you keep yourself in line and on track.

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Thanks :) I reserved the books through inter library loan. Dh wants to know if people can "gift" apps without an iTunes card or share apps. I've only had my phone for a month so I have no clue. It's an iPhone 4 if that matters any. Is there like an egg timer free app??

Just use an egg timer, especially if you already have one. Using brain cells to figure out how to get an app can distract you from housecleaning, KWIM? :grouphug:

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