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Teachers Lounge 12-12-12


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Happy 12-12-12 in a 14 font! (Whatever happened to pitch and pica?


How are you today? Here I'm feeling overwhelmed emotionally and mentally.

Probably doesn't help that it's that time of the month either! I keep telling

God, "You know, I don't plan on having any more kids so we can we be

done with this already?" :^p



Not only are the kids late in getting to their schooling this morning, so am I!

My test is due on Friday and while I have been doing the reading assignments,

I'm only at the point where I can answer two out of the six questions, so far. Oi!


May your day and week be going so much better than mine!


Anyone else's child(ren) having an off day today? My Aspie kiddo has just felt "off" yesterday

and even today. She's supposed to meet with a friend for math help this afternoon. Hope she

feels better by then!


Talk to me! :coolgleamA:

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