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I bought my daughter Mckenna this fall for Christmas and when the Today show had a special on Maria Grace I got her because she really wanted her. We are really the only ones my children get presents from, we are doing an advent study and focusing on the real meaning of Christmas. I bought a bunch of American girl doll clothes used from another homeschool family. I could sell Mckenna and recoop my money or just give her Maria Grace and Mckenna. What would you do?

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Can you hold one for her birthday? I don't think I'd give 2 AG for one holiday. Especially if they weren't a friends pair. Part of the thing I love about AG is that my dd becomes interested in their stories and books and chances are she'd just pick one to be interested in at that time. If she got the other doll later, then she would become immersed in her later.


My daughter is getting Cecile from the special! She already has Marie-Grace. My daughter has McKenna too and she continues to be a big hit here (my daughter does dance and acrobatics though, so she has a special attachment to McKenna).

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I'm not sure how old your dd is, but my 11 year old still loves her AG dolls (as does her same age best friend). No end in sight, lol. She got Felicity for her birthday and, at the same time, we purchased Samantha and she will receive that for xmas this year.

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I think she will be interested in the dolls just not that particular one. Her interest change daily and weekly on which doll she likes the best.


Then I'd sell one of the dolls and keep the money to buy the particular doll she wants :) (McKenna will likely net more)


Does she have any other AG dolls? if not, perhaps keep both so they can be "friends" for each other. Or she could have a friend play with the second doll when coming over.

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Well, where McKenna is GOTY and won't be available after New Years, you can hold onto her, sell her in a few months when people might be willing to pay a bit more, and hold onto to the money to buy her whichever doll she wants next year. That Marie-Grace was really far too good of a deal to pass up!

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