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Starting a new bible study at church today--would you pray for us?

Chris in VA

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There are 24 people signed up, many for the first time. It's Beth Moore's James study and it will be every Wednesday (except the one after Christmas), ending on Feb 6.


Would you do me the honor of committing to praying for the women (and one, lone, brave man!) who are coming?


If you would, would you also allow me to tell them your first name and where you live (or maybe not, if it's not public knowledge), and a couple of details about you that you've already shared? I'd like to share one person each time we meet, so they feel cared for. If you'd like to send me a pm with a message of hope and kindness to share, too, that would be FABULOUS!


Thank you for all your support.


(I'm leaving in 10 minutes, so if there's anyone who would like to jump on board today, that'd be great...lol! Last Minute Chris, that's me....)

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Yes, I would be happy to pray for you! This past year, I started praying for specific ministries on a regular basis, and I would love to pray for your group. My husband and I led a Bible study group for the first time last year (Visionary Parenting by Rob Rienow), and it looks like I might be starting my first Beth Moore study remotely with a couple of friends in different states. I'm a big believer in the small group dynamic for a Bible study. You can find some information about me on my blog (link in siggy) or send me a PM with specific questions. Also feel free to PM me if any specific issues arise during the course of the study that you would like me to pray about. Many blessings to you and all the members of your group!

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