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Update on ds surgery


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Surgery went well Thurs. Thank you for the prayers. Tonsils and adenoids out, plus the doctor decided to do something to his palate. Friday was easy -- eating Popsicles and happy. Saturday was rough he refused everything dhhad a really hard time getting any liquid or pain killers in him. I was at work and then working the concessions at dd's performances. I was up with ds in the middle of the night forcing Tylenol and Popsicles and some water. Ds managed to get back to sleep. Today, I instructed dh to give water and Tylenol with a dropper to get it in him. I also told dh to give Tylenol on a schedule. The day went much better and dh was able to administer a couple of other meds prescribed. Dh also started making thin ice cubes and ds like them.


I did concessions at dd's shows again today. Dd got very upset after her last performance. It occurs to me that she may be very stressed about her brother. She is a very sensitive girl and very protective of her brother. We've been through so much med stuff this fall ( we only had two weeks that didn't involve a surgical pocedure, sleep study, trip various specialist). I wondering if her over upset ness about someone missing cue is really pent up stress. I guess I need to figure how to handle her.

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Yay! I'm glad he's doing well.


I suspect that your dd is just at the end of her rope, stress wise. Performances are stressful. Health issues are stressful. Juggling both is stressful, even if you're not the one juggling. Just talk to her about it, acknowledge the stress, and move on. Sometimes, I think, just having the "gee, all of these things at once is crazy stressful!" conversation blows off the steam enough to get through without bursting.

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:grouphug: I think the pain from the surgery should be turning around very soon. I've heard that the fifth day after tonsil surgery can be the hardest but then it improves. I agree that it's probably the cumulative stress that's getting to your dd. I hope that life gets back to normal for you soon. We have also had a strange few months medically and everything feels a out of whack. I very much sympathize with what you're going through.

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