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A loss of serendipity? Privacy?


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oh. No. NO.


I'm sorry, but I simply refuse to have random texts about Walgreens specials or Amazon deliveries beamed directly into my eye.


Have people really become too lazy to look at a near instant message and parse meaning out of an arrangement of letters? Did Rome have a general dumbing down before the fall?

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But can you imagine having to take contacts in and out all day long? It wouldn't work. There would have to be some remote way to switch it on an off. There will probably be an app for that, lol. Not to mention just the creepiness in general of having something beamed directly to your eye. Yuck!


This reminds me of an episode of Shark Tank (that show where people pitch business ideas to rich people- sometimes the ideas are crazy, sometimes they get investors). This guy had a prototype for Bluetooth surgically implanted into your ear! When asked how you would charge it, he said there would be an open port in your head that you could then hook a cable up to while you slept!! He couldn't understand why no one wanted to invest in the "wave of the future". I'm sure I got some details wrong, but that was the general story.


I am a fan of tech attached to people in sci fi shows, but that's where the fascination ends. I'm not going there in real life.

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