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Dd thinks history isn't "sticking"

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Dd loves her MFW Ancient History but told me she doesn't think it's "sticking" like it would if she had a teacher. I am wondering if maybe videos would help?


Does anyone have any idea for videos I can use, or other options to make her studies a bit more exciting? Thanks for your help!

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Brain Pop has videos that are for the 6-12 level and some research stuff. You can request a free trial of that. Have you tried just having her do research projects on specific topics she is very interested in. I am not sure how okay you are with her searching the internet. But we have discovery education streaming which is 200$ through Home buyer coop... or something like that for the year and about to run out. So I have been trying to find videos on you tube and found a lot of the material is out there you just have to dig for it. I am not sure how you local library is for videos but they may also have some relevant material that wouldn't require spending money... Also you may want to check out the History Channel/ National Geographic's online stores as both of them have History related videos... Or finding movies that are period related that will indirectly teach materials.

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personally i felt like information stuck the best when I had to write a paper on it - maybe for each general area, have her pick a topic or a person to do a paper on - she has to research, get at least one book out of the library, and write about it - that active learning really makes it stick - but i dont really learn well from lectures at all

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Dd loves her MFW Ancient History but told me she doesn't think it's "sticking" like it would if she had a teacher. I am wondering if maybe videos would help?


Does anyone have any idea for videos I can use, or other options to make her studies a bit more exciting? Thanks for your help!


You could get the BJU World History online with the $99 deal. Or use your library or googling to find videos on the topics as you come to them. We use youtube a *lot* to flesh out a topic and get that visual input.


She might do better if she took written notes on her reading. I don't remember anything unless I write it. Some people are like that. Some people read so quickly (eyeballs on page) that stuff doesn't stick. The process of taking notes or going through a list of terms and people on a study guide can help them slow down and interact with the material so they retain.


She might benefit from some additional historical fiction, if she hasn't read much already, just to draw her in. TruthQuest and the VP catalog are terrific sources for this.


Enrichment4U and Jean Henrich's stuff at socialstudies.com has TERRIFIC hands-on projects for older kids. She could pick one more involved project for a quarter or semester and work on it while she listens to an audio of some of her materials.

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Thanks everyone for your help. I think I am going to try some videos- a research project right now is just out of the question, as she has so many other subjects to complete and we are dealing with the chronic fatigue. I wish I could afford Great Courses- they seem amazing. I think I am going to try to find some History Channel and maybe BBC videos she can watch in her tired down times. I am looking at Drive Thru history too- looks a little less boring and more silly fun? I've never tried thoses before but they have them on eBay! Has anyone tried them?

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I picked up some of the Drive Through History at a used sale but haven't had dd watch them yet. I've seen bits of them on tv, and yes they're a fun but meaningful take.


Sorry you're dealing with the CFS. Have had health problems myself, so I can sympathize. You're doing an extremely full load, even with a well child. You might cut her back to 5 or 6 credits next year. I definitely would not *add* to her history requirement. I'd only *subtract* the thing that isn't sticking or that she's too tired for and insert something that will fit her energy. I took a class in high school that was nothing but videos (modern american history) for an entire semester, so there's a lot of laterality there.

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And now the poor thing is going through an online drivers ed program too! I was thinking about subtracting some of the test prep stuff she does, but every time I get on this board I read about how important PSATs, ACTs and SATs are. Ugh. Trying to do the best for her, but its very stressful. =-/

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