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Mrs Mungo

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If this was me, I would immediately treat everyone in the family with lice shampoo. My older dd brought this home to us without warning when she was in elementary school. I noticed them in her hair when I was trying to put it up! Imagine my shock. Then I found out it was all through the school. I treated her and went to work. Imagine my surprise when I went into the bathroom at work and found the eggs in my hair too! I was horrified. I immediately went home treated myself and notified my dh (now ex-but not because of that).


We had to bag up all her stuffed animals for 3 weeks, wash everything, and I think we may have gotten rid of her mattress and bagged up ours. It was very stressful. So, save yourself some mental anguish and treat everyone in the family now. That would be my advice.

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You are one step ahead of the game because they told you! Be thankful. If they hadn't and you couldn't have taken precautionary measures, you have have had a full infestation by Christmas!!!! This happened to us once. My dd had friends over one day and we got a text that night that they found lice on one of the girls. I am forever grateful to the mother for telling me!!!


We treated with Listerine (I think it's the alcohol in it that kills the bugs). Douse hair with Listerine and put a shower cap on it for an hour. Wash as usual. I figured at this point, IF we had anything, we had just bugs, not the nits. So, I treated everyone as if we had them. I washed ALL our bedding. I vacuumed EVERY piece of furniture and our car (I had given the girls a ride.) Then, just in case anyone had any bugs that laid eggs, I re-treated a few days later. Those eggs would have had time to hatch, but not lay more eggs. I think I repeated this process a few times a few days apart. I washed pillowcases every night. Then, I checked my dd EVERY day. I took a comb and went through EVERY strand of her hair. We never saw any bugs, but I'll never know if I got rid of them because I was proactive.


I thank GOD the family that had lice told us so we could be proactive. My dd has waist long curly thick hair. If she had had lice, it would have been a nightmare!!!!

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:grouphug: I pray you do not have at all. If you do I pray you are able to get rid of them soon. I have nothing to offer. My friend did a devotion about her struggle to get rid of them in Germany. She finally used mayo on her head wrapped in saran wrap...It sounds like oil and lack of oxygen work pretty good.


May your Christmas be Merry, Bright and lice free!

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