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Don't know if this is helpful, but thought I'd post--Dd's PS Math 7 Honors topics

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Sort of a spin-off of Algebra thread--


Here are the topics presented in dd's Honors Math 7 (which is aligned to Math 8 at our public school). Kids who successfully complete this go into Alg in 8th grade.


First Quarter


Unit 1: Real Number System

The student will compare, order and classify elements of the real number syster.

Honors topics: Density Property, Venn Diagrams, Radical Simplification, Conversion of Repeating Decimals to fractions


Unit 2:Numerical and Algebraic Expressions

Student will translate, simplify and evaluate numeric and algebraic expressions using order of operations

Honors topics: Complex Fractions, products and quotients of powers


Unit 3: Equations

Sudent will solve multistep linear equations and justify their steps using properties of operations

Honors topics: Literal equations, graphing calculator applications


Second Quarter


Unit 4: Ratios, Percents, Proportions

Student will solve practical problems involving rational numbers, percents, ratios, and proportions

Honors topics: Multistep practical problems, compound interest


Unit 5: Inequalities

Student will solve multistep linear inequalities and justify steps using properties of operations

Honors topics: Interval Notation


Unit 6: Functions

Student will create and analyze function representations

Honors topics: practical problems with functions, slope-intercept form and transformations with linear equations



Third Quarter


Unit 7: Geometry

Student will describe angle relationships and identify transformations of plane figures

Honors: angle relationships with transversals, scale factor and transformations on coordinate plane


Unit 8: Measurement

Student will investigate and solve problems involving surface are and volume of 3D shapes and use/apply Pythagorian Theorum

Honors: Spheres, compound figures, algebraic expressions and plane figures


Fourth Quarter


Unit 9: Probability

Student will determine prob of ind and dep events

Honors: Geometric probability, algorithms for Combinations and permutations


Unit 10: Statistics

Student will construct, compare and make predictions using scatter plots and whisker plots

Honors: Line of Best fit, graphing calculator applications



She's had most of this last year in Advanced 6th grade math, which is 7th grade math--only the "honors" part is new.

Had I known that, I would've put her in Algebra! At least she'll be rock solid in everything.


Anyway, just thought you'd like to see, fwiw.

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