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Anybody take Lysteda?

Rhonda in TX

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I've taken it in the past. I'm a night owl, so the dosing wasn't an issue for me.


I "started" late night around 11p-12a the first night, then dosed again when I woke up (8-9a), and a third time in the afternoon (3-4p) in between meals.


Do you fall back to sleep easily? If so, I'd suck it up for the few days and wake at 2a to take the next dose.


If you don't, and your sleep will be negatively affected for the week, I'd skip that 2a dose and re-adjust my dosing times.


If you'll be taking it again in the future, you'll know to time your first dose so that it aligns with your natural sleep habits. It may be worth sucking up this time, KWIM?

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