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Kindle owners please answer a few questions for me.


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Okay, I would love to buy all my kids Kindles for Christmas, but I have a few questions first. Side note not the kindle fire, just the regular Kindles. Anyways, can they get on the web and go to facebook or search out anything? I am having a hard time with my oldest and him going to sites he should not be going to. It has come to the point that I have taken away all his devices that he can access the web with. Also my youngest just needs it for a reader, I would not like him having full access the the web either. Also any pros and cons you can add in for me would really help.

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Using the web on my Kindle is painfully slow and tedious, however it is possible. Thankfully, Amazon has just added parental controls to the Kindles, so you can password protect the ability to go online and also the ability to purchase from the Kindle store. I bought the least expensive Kindle (but without the ads) for my children. It's great to be able to download classics for free from Amazon and other websites.


I have a Kindle Keyboard that I really LOVE, but I've got my eye on their new Kindle Paperwhite!

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The Kindle Paperwhite is what I will get for me. I was thinking that regular Kindle that is like $69 for the kids would be great for them. I love that I can do parental controls that really helps me make my decision. Thank you.



My kids have the less expensive Kindle, and it works great for them. Even my 6 year old can navigate it.


I made a "collection" for each of them on their Kindle. Then I can put whatever books I'd like them to read in their collection. It makes it easy to find what they want.

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