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What mean things have you done to your kids today?


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I made my son take a bath....he took one Friday night and was adamant that he did not need another one before church. I don't make him bathe daily, but before church is one of those times that is required! ;)


This one I can relate to so much. My ds9 is convinced that being forced to bathe more than once a week is a form of water torture, and oh my goodness he is sure I can be locked up for making him wash his hair more than once a week.


I should point out this is my son with a bit of defective depth perception, and a habit of wiping his face on his shoulder. The kid is constantly dirty but heaven forbid I suggest he be clean before leaving the house.




As for today, well I have not seen my kids yet to be mean, but last night I made them stop playing and go look at xmas lights with me (which they loved once there but not when I said time to go). ANd I used my mommy will ground you voice to do it.


Oh and ds14 told me yesterday I am quite mean because I only ask questions to be polite not because they are allowed to say no. For example "ds would you please put these clean dishes away?" If he does not respond to me or hop to it I follow up with "I only asked to be polite what I meant was get up and put them away now" Apparently I am very mean for that.(and for making him do any chores at all of course)

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Upon discovering that DS11 (in PS) did not bring home the research he needed for the project that's due tomorrow, I shrugged and said, "I guess you'll have to take a zero."


Unfortunately, his teacher will probably let him turn it in late, maybe deducting only a few points for that. I don't think a consequence that light will help the boy remember in the future.


I'm even more of a meanie because I would write a note to the teacher requesting a zero if I thought she wouldn't do it. Make sure to confirm receipt with teacher.

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I woke up sick and miserable, I made the kids eat cereal for breakfast instead of cooking the ham and eggs they were demanding. I am therefore a mean horrible person. For lunch I made them eat *gasp* sandwiches, cold, that they fixed themselves. You wouldn't believe the tantrums I had to deal with this morning because I'm to sick to cook. They tried that crap again for lunch and I instantly yelled at them:( Off they went without a word. Guess they didn't think mom could lose her temper so easy. All I want is NyQuil and sleep and I can't get either:(

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