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One semester geography course?

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We are enjoying Runkle's Wonderful World of Geography this year. It is supposed to be gr 7-12 or gr. 7-8, but I have found it exactly what we needed for my 9th grader and advanced 7th grader. It is physical (not cultural) geography and that is what I was looking for. It is a bit light in terms of depth, but it is a good overview.


There are 12 chapters, which are divided into 42ish lessons in someone's (the author's??) free online pdf guide. We are doing about 2-3 lessons a week, which is 3-4 hours a week. We are trying to do all the extras and "think-it-throughs" and all of that. There is also geography memorization which is a separate "student workbook" which we are also doing. The world geog memorization is not really tied to the chapter content and that's a little disappointing.


I like Runkle because it is easy to use alone by the student, a good world overview and not too deep or analytical as to content. It is not time intensive and really not difficult for my two. Its an easy introduction as we were a bit deficient on our geography having never found/used a bridge between SOTW and high school history/geog.


I think it is very doable in a semester. We are just working at a slower pace - over a full year. I plan to give a semester (1/2) credit. We bought the newest edition. I have never seen the older ed. - not sure of changes.


Lisa j, mom to 5

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