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Different SAT/ACT score required for homeschoolers?


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I hope you are right. This is quoted from OSU's admisssions page (and you did say it was confusing):


"Ohio State requires that you receive a diploma from a chartered high school or GED to enroll. Students attending Ohio State regional campuses must meet campus-change requirements to enroll at the Columbus campus. For information, please contact your academic advisor."


Just curious, but did OSU say in an e-mail that they required higher ACT scores?? I am not worried about ds, but I just thought it was strange they would admit this. I guess I will go ahead and give them a call. I have been told by homeschooling families here in town that they did require a GED, and you can see from the information on the web it certainly looks like it, but ds will be so happy if that is not the case.


I don't think the rules of the hs2coll yahoo list permit me to quote outside the group, but you could search the group's archives by typing in "Ohio State GED."


Based on email communications between a parent and admissions at Ohio State in 2009, Ohio State then required that homeschoolers have a minimum ACT score of 27 in order to gain admittance to the university, which is a higher score than the average admitted applicant. After the email exchanges were put out on a public forum, I am not sure if Ohio State still publishes their homeschool score requirements, but I doubt if the requirements have changed.


I personally have not called OSU regarding the GED. If you call, would you please post what you find out. I am surprised that there hasn't been lawsuits against these universities that require homeschoolers to obtain the GED.


I don't think OSU is homeschool friendly, and I don't think that will change until Gee is replaced. Based on various quotes of his I have read, he is not able to think outside the educational box.

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I just called OSU this morning and they said that they would accept homeschool transcripts without a GED. That makes ds and me very happy! I wish they would change the information on their website.

That is great! I also wish they would change that statement because many homeschoolers will read that and immediately cross OSU off their lists.

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Sort of related... I have yet to meet a test-optional school that didn't say they DID need SAT/ACT scores from homeschoolers - test-optional only if you aren't a homeschooler. Even the very alternativy ones like Hampshire and Marlboro said this. (That was awhile ago, so they may have changed policies since then, but in this round of college searching we have also encountered this, so I doubt it.)



When my daughter was applying to colleges (she's now a college senior), I recall that there were at least a couple of test optional schools we encountered that still required the test (of all applicants) for placement purposes. I found that curious.




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When my daughter was applying to colleges (she's now a college senior), I recall that there were at least a couple of test optional schools we encountered that still required the test (of all applicants) for placement purposes. I found that curious.





Hmmm... Curious indeed.


We were told at one school (this was 5 or 6 years ago) that if my son didn't take the SATs, he would probably not be accepted (due to them not having enough data to make him an attractive candidate) and that he would have to take the ability-to-benefit test in order to receive financial aid, therefore, he needed ot take the SATs. The ability-to-benefit test has been eliminated and I have heard that schools (or is it the government for financial aid reasons?) are substituting the GED instead. It will be "interesting" to see what happens to this year's crop of homeschooled seniors when they matriculate. They are the first ones through the system since the elimination.



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Chiming in here.


Ds was considering St. Louis University. We got caught in an impossible Circular Requirement.


STUniv required GED . . . but the hilarious part was that our state (KY) prohibits currently enrolled high school students from taking the GED.

He had top 3% ACT and SAT. Obviously not a "borderline" case, and obviously wanting to apply for merit scholarships.


STU ended up conceding that we could send a detailed Course Description with textbooks, assignments completed etc. instead, and the GED that final summer.

(Which was ridiculous, because, by then, he would have been registered for classes, scholarships awarded, etc.)


But I did write up a Course Description . . . then our ds (thankfully) decided to rule them out. :hurray:


Just 4 years ago, they did NOT have the GED requirement. It had been ADDED recently.

For me, it was an indication that they were NOT a homeschool-friendly school . . . and likely not open to other unconventional options.



If it makes you feel any better, SLU smells like dead fish and stale beer.




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