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Baby Pictures (20wk u/s)


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Yay! How has the morning sickness been? I am hoping it is getting better for you.


It is better.....not great, but better. I'm not puking. :)


Wait! How can you do this to us? Make us wait to find out if it's a boy or girl? :ph34r: Fine, by that way. :001_tt2: Congrats again though!! I love ultrasounds!


Sigh....I'd really rather know, but I'm trying really hard to honor DH's wishes this time.


But .... if I were to guess..... I'd say boy.


I'm thinking girl. I had an epiphany moment, if you want to call it that, several months before I got pregnant.....before we had even decided if we would have another. It hit me in the car...."you'll have another, it will be a girl". I think that's probably why I think girl.

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