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Switching to Singapore, eating up math


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Ok, y'all talked me into it. After my 6.5 year old finished Saxon 2, I printed off the math mammoth I had and he's been plowing through it happily. I'm looking at Singapore for the next step, since I'll be out of math mammoth by the end of the month at this rate (blue books- grades 1-3). I was able to borrow some from a friend and my son and i both agree it looks promising. I have the placement test for Singapore, and it looks like once he has the multiplication facts down he would start at 3a?


So now the question is, do I start him there, or back him up to 2b? With a kid who learns things quickly and eats up math, what components should I buy? I also have BA ready to go when the multiplication facts are done, so that will slow us down. Do I need the Intensive practice books? Ugh. Math just gives me fits.


And, what kind of a "plan" should I be looking at for the future, because all this skipping around makes my head hurt. At what point do we go to something like AOPS prealgebra? After Singapore 6?

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I would do (am doing) both Primary Mathematics (including Intensive Practice) and Beast Academy. I think it is a better way to cover all the bases than using BA as a "spine." BA is great, in its own idiosyncratic way. But I'm not convinced to give up my PM. And BA won't last. The concerns are not wrong at this point in the publishing cycle.


Do both.



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That's what I needed to hear Bill. He started BA3A today and is very excited. I always underestimate him, I was going to hold off on BA, but it seemed to work just fine today, and provided a nice challenge, which was refreshing to both of us. If we were to combine BA and PM now..... Do I start with 3a or go back to 2b? (the only thing he doesn't know in 2b is the multiplication, but he would have it in a matter of days). What level of Intensive Practice? I really wanted to use Challenging Word problems with him since it isn't his strength, and was going to get 2, not 3.... does that sound right?


Tell me what to buy! LOL I need help.

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Do I start with 3a or go back to 2b? (the only thing he doesn't know in 2b is the multiplication, but he would have it in a matter of days). What level of Intensive Practice? I really wanted to use Challenging Word problems with him since it isn't his strength, and was going to get 2, not 3.... does that sound right?


I think buying 2B just for a few pages of multiplication is unnecessary, especially since it's continued in 3A and in BA. Some people work a level behind for the IP and CWP, and others work at the same level for both. I started my son on-level with CWP, but we BA exclusively for a while and rather than waste the rest of the book, I'm now using it as review. I'll likely skip the next level, though, and buy the one for the level he's currently working at when he finishes this one. All of that is to say that you can do either successfully.

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Thanks- I borrowed both from my friend and keep doing back and forth on it. The only thing he doesn't know is the multiplication and elapsed time- but those are easy holes to fill. I feel like its too expensive to get a level he doesn't need, but at the same time, there are 2 more kids coming up behind him, thank you for the pointers!

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I would actually get 2A - more of the meat and challenge of the level is in A than B - B has some multiplication and division, a lot of money (including adding and subtracting money), and starting fractions. But SM approaches things differently than other systems and to be on the safe side, I would start with the beginning of 2A and just allow him to zip through it quickly if needed. They are not at all expensive books, so you wouldn't be out much, and the texts can be saved for future kids. You really only need the text and workbook, the extra practice books you only need if you want extra problems. It is not like Saxon where there are tons of problems with each concept. From what I've read in the Singapore philosophy book, its really key to thoroughly grasp each concept before moving on as its presented in the books, I would think it would be worth it to start farther back and make sure everything is solid as they present it.

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That's what I needed to hear Bill. He started BA3A today and is very excited. I always underestimate him, I was going to hold off on BA, but it seemed to work just fine today, and provided a nice challenge, which was refreshing to both of us. If we were to combine BA and PM now..... Do I start with 3a or go back to 2b? (the only thing he doesn't know in 2b is the multiplication, but he would have it in a matter of days). What level of Intensive Practice? I really wanted to use Challenging Word problems with him since it isn't his strength, and was going to get 2, not 3.... does that sound right?


Tell me what to buy! LOL I need help.



I wish I could tell you exactly what to get, but your "educated guess" is likely to be far better than mine.


There are placement tests on the Singapore site, and tables of contents and samples.


With the supplemental books (IP and CWPs) some use them at level, others use them behind. The more he is "churning" through the core books the more likely I would be to use the supplemental "on level."


I wish I could be of more help, but I would not want to steer you wrong.



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I purchased 3A, the textbook, workbook and instructors guide with CWP 2.... I made a list of the things from 2b I should touch up with Math Mammoth while we wait on it to arrive. Thank you for the tip on 2A, if we struggle with 3, I'll step back and start there (hopefully just the textbook and workbook!)


Now I have to decide if I am going to move his little brother to Singapore as well, or keep him on Saxon. :laugh: (He's almost done with Saxon K)

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