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Like five in a row, but a chapter book


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I have been tossing this around for a bit, but it really cemented when ds asked for more books. I want to base our studies around a really good interesting great book style chapter book. I read some about this in the big Circe thread last spring, and it really made me want to do this when I read the breadth vs. Depth thread. I want it to be something like read the book, do research on topics, tie in our writing IEW style, copy work from the book, would love for it to spring us into some science stuff, and history could be included too depending on the book. I am having trouble finding a book to try this with. I would love some help choosing a great book, ds is a great listener, and a good reader, some violence is ok, death is ok. Any topics you think could be covered would help too. We will still do our math, Spanish, and Latin. What would this look like for you? thanks!


Oh and I know I could do the later FIAR or byFIAR, but I don't want to spend a lot of money, so looking to do this on my own.

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Yes, check out HSS, & look for BYFIAR via used sites you might find it's not as pricey there. Also, check the FIAR website, they might sell some of their BY books as digital units. Which means, you could just purchase one to see if you like it & if purchasing the rest might be worth it. :)

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