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History-based Literature


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Hi All,


I love this forum and have been spending so much time here, even though we are not classical homeschoolers in our approach. We are using a Waldorf approach combined with dedicated Project Based learning.


We do spend time daily working on skills (math, spelling, and cursive). I read aloud daily to both my K'er and my 3rd grader, and use this time to focus on learning about history through quality literature. I'm currently following the Waldorf recommended focus on farming for my 3rd grader by reading Farmer Boy and discussing it with him. We will move onto Diary of an Early American: Noah Blake next week.


But he's also very interested in maps and I'd love to find a way to incorporate our literature read aloud time with geography learning, in an intentional way.


Are any of you doing this- using literature only for history and geography studies? I'm looking for something that lists quality literature that is developmentally appropriate for the child in each grade, that covers important events in history and can be combined with map work. Does something like this exist?


Thank you for any help!

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Beautiful Feet Geography is a wonderful basic US History curriculum using beautiful map work and the Holling C. Holling books. We are really enjoying this right now. Not sure how much mapping their actual US History curriculum incorporates, though.

We've also used Sonlight, which focuses on history through lit, but includes instructions for following a map as you read through the books.

Trail Guide to US Geography uses The Captain's Dog in the last weeks of the study.

Winter Promise is much like Sonlight, except the map work we experienced was much more deliberate, they're in the 'Make Your Own History Pages'; we liked it better. It also includes lots of projects and movies as well as Adventure Reading, which are fewer books than Sonlight, but more developmentaly appropriate.

Geogrpahy Matters has a lot of geogrpahy curriculum you can check out.

These are among our favorite for lit and geography.


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This is a great book for combining Literature and History and Regions of the World:




You may want to look into these for geography:


MapTrek Atlas and Outline Maps of World History by Johnson


Mapping the World with Art DVDs


Mapping the World by Heart


Holling C. Holling is a children's author who incorporates a lot of geography into his stories for younger children.

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We are doing this. We use All Through the Ages. It's a book that's a booklist. It has each section of history broken down into bite-size chunks, and then book lists for each age group. At the end of each section is a timeline, as well. The book also has a small section in the back that covers some science, countries, and history for eastern countries.


Every few weeks I pick out the next few topics that we want to cover. I loosely plot them out and then search for books at the library. Then, we read through them and then notebook a few times a week. Many times I don't find a certain book that ATTA recommends, but I know *what* we are supposed to be reading about and that makes it easier for me to find books and stay on track. We aren't mapping this year, but next year I plan to purchase MapTrek to use alongside.


ETA: I should add that under each age group, is listed non-fiction, biographies, literature, etc. for each subject/each age.


I didn't explain it very well. If you like the sample and have any questions, let me know. :p

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