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Need Christmas gift advice for dc please

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Dh and I have been talking about getting the dc their own laptop. I know my dc are young, but we do not have TV though we do own an assortment of DVD's and have a Netflix subscription. They also use the laptop for Reading Eggs, Starfall, PBS Kids and the like. We are conscious of how much time they spend online (and how much screen time overall they get) and it is not excessive. They also sometimes watch Netflix, play games, or read books on my Nook. The laptop would be so they could do this without using one of our laptops.


Then I started thinking about how I think if I do get it, it will be easier for them to have more screen time which is not exactly what I want. I am trying to narrow down my reasons for actually wanting the thing. Dh has an expensive laptop so them using his is very rare, it is usually mine.


Today, we discussed getting a portable DVD player instead. However, I don't know if that's a good idea because then they cannot read books, watch movies, or do all of those other things. So I am considering a tablet and a Nook or Kindle. I know they will have to learn to type someday and will need a keyboard but they are too young for that right now.


Based on my thoughts, what would you get and why? I hope this is not too very muddled, little ds is cutting teeth and I am one tired mama!

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I'd be torn on the laptop and a tablet. My kids are 9 and 6, and we got them each an HP laptop this past year. I'll explain my reasons and maybe that'll help you with your decision


First, the kids each had hand me down PC computers that are energy hogs and weren't working well and they took up a lot of room. Therefore, to play games or Internet games, they wanted to use my PC. I did that, until we got a virus from somewhere and nearly lost everything on our computer. We have a small business and everything is on that computer. Could have been very detrimental if not for online backup.


We then debated, tablet or laptop. My kids both are fans of club penguin. It uses flash player. You can't do flash player on an iPad. I love my iPad and feel its a great all around easy to use tablet. But they wouldn't be able to do many internet based games that don't have an app.


So we decided to get them HP laptops. I got a decent price with quite a few free upgrades that were included at the time. I paid a bit more for them to have a blue and a purple laptop so there is no confusion on whose is whose.


They use them quite a bit, but I've never really had to limit any screen time since they get bored with electronics easily. They play games, watch videos, etc. They don't use it for book reading as we are frequent library users.


I hope that helps some with your decision. I felt funny buying the, when my kids were so young, but for their uses, they should last quite some time.


Good luck

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