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I have two thoughts. First, it sounds like you might benefit from learning some logic. I think it might help you "think on your feet" a little bit more. There are probably some high school resources available, but I do like the resources that Classical Academic Press has - I think they are for middle school. They have The Art of Argument, The Discovery of Deduction and The Argument Builder. Completing all three would give you an excellent foundation.


The second idea I have is for you to look for a local chapter of Toastmasters International. This would help tremendously with speaking skills.

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First, let me say that I think it is important to recognize that some people like more off the cuff, fast kinds of thinking and talking. Some people prefer to take their time and be more thoughtful. The world really needs both kinds of people. One thing you may want to consider, if you don't already have them, is developing some stock phrases that you can use to buy yourself more time. "Hmm, that's interesting can you tell me more about that." "I'm trying to sort through my thoughts on this..."


I agree with the suggestion of Toastmasters Also, you want to look at this free Coursera course that is starting soon. It may help you gain some comfort and confidence with thinking on your feet. https://www.coursera.org/course/thinkagain

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I have never had a problem expressing myself well in written form, but as a speaker I could use improvement. I tend to think a lot before expressing myself, which is fine in front of a keyboard, but when speaking to people I would like to be able to organize my thoughts quickly on the fly and also be able to present them well to the person listening. I tend to be a perfectionist in expression and don't want to be misunderstood. Oftentimes this leaves me at a loss for words "on the fly". Can any of you recommend any resources for me? I'm 35 so this skill is long overdue to learn. I did a search at amazon, but didn't find anything helpful.



How about this?



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